The Pearl R. Miller Home & School Association (PRMHSA) is a group of dedicated parents who provide a vital link for communication between home and school.  We hope that our partnership will pool a wealth of knowledge, talents, and skills, which will aid in the education of our children. The PRMHSA helps to oversee the needs and development of our school. Parent involvement is essential to our success.


Interested in future board positions? Contact us!



PresidentJaime McLaughlin


Vice President - Shannon Gingerelli


SecretaryRobyn Tumminia


TreasurerJen Claro


Our Committee Chairs

Thank you to all of our Committee Chairs. Please reach out if you are interested in helping out with any of the committees below. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.


8th Grade Activities - Jen Bucci and Kelly Wilson


Field Day - Melissa Moussa


Membership Toolkit/Student Directory - PRMHSA Executive Board


Mini-Grant Coordinator - PRM Executive Board


Pearl's Place (Locks, School Supply Coordinator) - Jaime McLaughlin and Annika Levitt


Teacher Recognition & Hospitality - PRMHSA Executive Board


Teen Canteen -Brandi GrecoAnnika Levitt and Stephanie Shaw


TREP$ - Steph BoseKatie Talbot and Erika Kayden


Our HSA Meetings

The PRM HSA holds three public meetings per year. Meetings are attended by the PRM Board, PRM Principal, PRM Vice Principal, PRM Counselors, our Kinnelon Superintendent as well as our Kinnelon Director of Curriculum. Parents are welcome to join our meetings which take place in the PRM Cafeteria. This years meetings will take place on:

  • Monday, September 23, 9am
  • Monday, January 6, 9am
  • Monday, March 31, 9am